

  春节拜年,长辈要给晚辈压岁钱。根据民间的说法,压岁钱可以压住邪祟,因为“岁”与“祟”谐音,晚辈得到压岁钱就可以平平安安度过一岁。某种程度而言,“压岁钱”是中国特有的词汇,其英文表达至今尚无定论。暂看维基百科相关介绍。  A red envelope or red packet is a monetary gift which is given in Chinese society. The name comes from the red envelope in which the money is contained.

  Red envelopes are often presented on social and family occasions such as a wedding reception or a holiday such as Chinese New Year in which context it is also known as yāsuì qián.  根据维基百科,“压岁钱”是狭义而言的“红包”(red envelope),因此,“压岁钱”可表达为“red envelope”或“red-envelope money”。或者,罗嗦一点,“压岁钱”也可说成“money given to children as a Lunar New Year gift”。


  In Song Dynasty, adults gave coins wrapped in red paper to childrenas a lunar new year gift to protect them from evil。  在宋朝的时候,压岁钱是大人用红纸包着铜钱给小孩的新年礼物,相信以此保护孩子免受妖怪袭击。

  Parents give their children lucky money in red envelopes.  父母亲给他们的小孩子装着红包的压岁钱。

  Lucky money for you.  这是给你的压岁钱。
